Accademia Platonica
Platonic Academy


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
Field (1988), p.3, footnote 1, indicates that the date traditionally accepted as the founding date for the Academy is 1462, when Cosimo de' Medici is supposed to have given Marsilio Ficino a villa at Careggi, which then served as a home for the Accademia Platonica. Field goes on, however, to suggest that the situation is more complex than that; on p.200, footnote 96, he suggests that the Academy may indeed have begun at Careggi, but in the Medici villa there, and that it was not until 1463 that Ficino received the villa in Careggi that became the home to the Academy.

In a Wikipedia article on the Accademia Platonica, we learn that the Academy was founded by Marsilio Ficino, primarily to study the works of Plato and his followers. It was also interested in scientific texts from antiquity. The Academy reached its greatest period of development under another Medici ruler, Lorenzo the Magnificent. The Academy was dissolved in 1522 as a consequence of political intrigue against Cardinal Giulio de' Medici.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the title of Field (1988), and also by the Wikipedia article on the Accademia Platonica.
Seat of the Society
1462 or 1463 - 1522 Accademia Platonica The founding dates are supplied by Field (1988). The termination date is supplied by the Wikipedia article on the Accademia Platonica.
1459 - 1522 Accademia Platonica The founding date and termination date are supplied by the Wikipedia article on the Accademia Platonica.
