This date is supported by pp.20 and 35 of
de Seta (1965), who indicates on p.53 that it
was founded by Aulo Giano Parrasio.
The Academy began, like the other academies of the day, as one devoted to
philological and literary studies
(de Seta (1965), p.61).
It was named the Accademia Parrasiana
(de Seta (1965), p.65).
On the death of Parrasio in 1534, Bernardino Telesio reorganized the
Academy (de Seta (1965), p.62).
It was evidently known as the Accademia Telesiana until it was
closed in 1544 by the authorities
(de Seta (1965), p.100).
A few years before the death of Telesio (which happened in 1588), the
Accademia Telesiana was reorganized under the direction of
Sertorio Quattromani, and the Academy became known as the
Accademia Cosentina
(de Seta (1965), p.161).
[It is not clear from a reading of de Seta
(1965) whether the Academy was in existence from 1544 until this
Around 1593, as a result of the conspirings of Tommaso Campanella, the
Accademia Cosentina was closed by decree of the viceroy,
Pedro of Toledo (de Seta (1965), p.165).
In 1608, however, the Church opened a new Academy, the
Accademia dei Costanti under the patronage of Mons. Costanzo.
This new Academy was, in effect, the restoration of the Accademia
Cosentina, but with the greater part of the members being from the
The Accademia dei Costanti continued under the guidance of Costanzo
until his death in 1617
(de Seta (1965), p.166);
the Academy may have become inactive at this time.
Around 1649, Archbishop Guiseppe Sanfelice founded in Cosenza an
Accademia dei Negligenti, which lasted until his death in 1660
(de Seta (1965), p.167).
In 1668 the Accademia dei Costanti became active again under the
leadership of the poet Pirro Schettini until his death in 1678
(de Seta (1965), p.167).
In 1756, Gaetano Greco revived the old Academy, changing its name to
Accademia dei Pescatori Cratilidi;
but this attempt at revival lasted only until 1794
(de Seta (1965), pp.201-202).
In 1811, the Academy was revived through the work of Matteo Galdi, and
named the Istituto Cosentino
(de Seta (1965), pp.203).
In late 1817, the King gave his approval for it to take once again the
name Accademia Cosentina
(de Seta (1965), pp.204).