Accademia dei Gelati di Bologna
Academy of the Frozen Ones of Bologna


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to Maylender (1926-1930), v.3, p.81, the Accademia was founded in 1588 in the home of il Dott. Melchiorre Zoppio. Maylender (1926-1930), v.3, p.86 indicates that the Accademia was still flourishing in 1786, and lasted until the end of the eighteenth century, when the upheavals of the time caused the dissolution of the Accademia almost inadvertently.

Maylender (1926-1930), v.3, p.84 notes that one of the most important publications of the Accademia was the 1671 Prose de' Signori Accademici Gelati di Bologna. Maylender (1926-1930), v.3, p.85 indicates that the latter volume was supposed to have been the first part of a series of Prose, but that this noble resolution was not carried out until nearly a century later when in 1753 the Academy published the Orazioni di Accademici Gelati di Bologna dedicate alla Santità di N. S. Benedetto XIV.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Academy.
Name of the Society
1588 - 1800 Accademia dei Gelati di Bologna Maylender (1926-1930), v.3, p.81 gives the name and 1588 as the start year; Maylender (1926-1930), v.3, p.86 indicates that it lasted until the end of the eighteenth century, giving no indication of any name change.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
Prose de' signori Accademici Gelati di Bologna distinte ne' seguenti trattati. Delle giostre, e tornei del sig. senatore Berlingiero Gessi. Dell'armi delle famiglie del sig. conte Gasparo Bombaci. ... Colle loro imprese anteposte a' Discorsi. Pubblicate sotto il principato accademico del sig. co. Valerio Zani

Published: Bologna; Manolessi, Emilio Maria & fratelli; 1671.

There is a review of the 1671 volume of the Prose in Phil. Trans., 1672, Vol.7, No.89, pp.5125-5128. This review gives a publication date of 1672.

Indexed Reuss

[Univ. Bologna cat.]

Prose de S. ri Accademici Gelati di Bologna
[Études Philosophiques, JUILLET-SEPTEMBRE 1985, No. 3, p.411 cites 1671.]
Prose de Sign. Acad. Gelati di Bologna
[Reuss, v.8, p.122 cites p.5.]
Prose de Sign. Academ. Gelati di Bologna
[Reuss, v.8, p.108 cites p.107.]
Prose de Sign. Academice Gelati di Bologna
[Reuss, v.9, p.163 cites p.180.]
Prose de Sign. Academici Gelati di Bologna
[Reuss, v.9, p.5 cites p.171; v.9, p.200 cites p.321; v.9, p.213 cites p.133.]
Orazioni di Accademici Gelati di Bologna dedicate alla santita di nostro signore Benedetto decimoquarto

[Univ. Bologna cat.]

