According to p.9 of
Maggiolo, the Accademia was founded in 1599 by
Abbot Federico Cornaro,
and there were twenty-five other distinguished people present, including
Galileo Galilei.
They chose for their shield an image of a cave with an opening at both
ends and sheltered by an olive tree, with the motto from Boethius
Bipatens animis asylum (a sanctuary to the spirit open at
both ends). Their name Ricovrati (the Sheltered Ones) is
evidently related to this heraldic device.
According to
Maggiolo, p.7,
in 1779, by decree of the Venetian Senate, the
Accademia dei Ricovrati merged with the
Accademia di Arte Agraria (founded 1769) to form the
Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di Padova.
The Accademia dei Ricovrati did not publish any journals
during its existence.
But according to
Maggiolo, p.12, they published, from time to time, collections of
writings by their members. For example:
- Compositioni delli Signori Academici Ricovrati per la nascita
del Serenissimo Principe Gioseppe, Giacomo, ... Archiduca
d'Austria.... Padova, 1678.
- Applausi dell'Accademia de' Ricovrati alle Glorie della
Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia. Padova, 1679.
- Compositioni degli Academici Ricovrati per la Morte della Nob.
D. Signora Elena Lucretia Cornaro Piscopia.... Padova, 1684.
- Componenti dell'Accademia de' Ricovrati per la Traslazione del
Corpo del Ven. Gregorio Card. Barbarigo.... Padova, 1726.