Académie Royale des Belles-Lettres d'Angers
(Royal Academy of Humanities of Angers)


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes

According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.48, Louis XIV founded the Academy on 1685, June 10 as the Académie Royale des Belles-Lettres d'Angers. The CTHS - Sociétés Savantes database indicates that beginning in 1760, its name became Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers. According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.16, the Academy was suppressed in 1793.

According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.32, the Academy collaborated with the Société d'Agriculture that had been founded at Tours in 1761, and which had a section at Angers.

According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.16, in the early years of the 19th century, there were unsuccessful attempts to revive the Academy; and it was not until 1828 that it was revived as the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers.

According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.32, this new society took up again the activities of the former Academy of Angers and also the Société d'Agriculture. The CTHS - Sociétés Savantes database, however, gives its name from 1828 as the Société Royale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers.

According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.34, in 1857 a rival society named Société Académique de Maine-et-Loire was formed. If we examine records in the Bibliot. Nat. France cat., we find a record for a publication of this body, entitled Mémoires de la Société Académique de Maine-et-Loire, published 1857-1874 as t.1 - t.30.

According to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.17, as a result of a schism arising in the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers, the Société Académique was created in 1881, but that this dual existence lasted only fifteen years (i.e. to about 1896); after this, one presumes that the new society either merged with the old, or ceased to exist for some other reason.

Interestingly, the CTHS - Sociétés Savantes database indicates that beginning in 1881, the name of the Société Royale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers became Académie des Sciences et Belles-Lettres d'Angers, a claim that is not borne out by the cataloguing data for the society under consideration. If, however, we examine records in the Bibliot. Nat. France cat., we find a record for the following publication: Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences et Belles-lettres d'Angers published 1890/91 - 1896/97 as n.s. t.1 - t.4, with the indication that this is a continuation of Mémoires de la Société Académique de Maine-et-Loire.

It is hard to know how best to interpret this information. It is possible that the rival society and the society resulting from the schism are one and the same, with only a name change around 1881, and then cessation of independent existence around 1896.

Finally, according to Académie d'Angers (1987), p.17, on 1947, April 15, the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers once again became an academy, taking the name of Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers.

Note: on pp.16-17 of Académie d'Angers (1987), p.17, there is a vague reference to a history of the Société d'Agriculture by Omnès and Debroise. These are evidently Gabriel Omnès and Alain Debroise, two members of the Academy at the time of the 1987 commemorative publication. This history appeared perhaps as one or more periodical articles in the Academy's Mémoires.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its name.
Name of the Society
1685 - 1793 Académie Royale des Belles-Lettres d'Angers Académie d'Angers (1987), p.48 gives the founding date and name. Académie d'Angers (1987), p.16, gives date of suppression, with no indication of name change.
1760 - 1793 Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers The CTHS - Sociétés Savantes database indicates that beginning in 1760, it took this name.
1828 - 1852 Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers Académie d'Angers (1987), p.16 gives revival date and new name. Its publications give the cessation date for this name.
1853 - 1870 Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers Its publications give the start and end dates for this name.
1857 - 1881? Société Académique de Maine-et-Loire Académie d'Angers (1987), p.34 gives this start date and name of this rival to the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers. The Bibliot. Nat. France cat. indicates that this name was succeeded by Académie des Sciences et Belles-lettres d'Angers; and the CTHS - Sociétés Savantes database gives 1881 as the start date of the latter name.
1871 - 1946 Société Nationale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers Its publications give the start and end dates for this name.
1881? - 1896? Académie des Sciences et Belles-lettres d'Angers CTHS - Sociétés Savantes database gives 1881 as the start date of this name. The Bibliot. Bat. France cat. gives 1896/1897 as the cessation date for its journal, and indicates that it is the continuation of a rival society of the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers.
1947 - Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers Its publications give the start and end dates for this name.
Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers = Académie d'Angers = Academy of Sciences, Literature and Arts of Angers
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1831 - 1847
(t.1 - t.6); 1850 - 1852
(2e s., t.1 - t.3)
Mémoires de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers

Continued by B.

Indexed RSLC

[Univ. Angers cat.; Cat. Collectif. France]

Angers, Mém. Soc. Agric.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xv]
(2e s., t.4 - t.8)
(n. s., t.1 - t.12?)
Mémoires de la Société Impériale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers

Continues A.

Continued by C.

Indexed RSLC

[Univ. Angers cat.; Cat. Collectif. France]

Angers, Mém. Soc. Agric.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xv]
Mémoires de la Société Académique de Maine-et-Loire

This is a publication of a rival society to the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers. Off-prints of the procès-verbaux from 1877 to 1881 were published under the title Procès-verbaux de la Société Académique de Maine-et-Loire.

Continued by Q.

Indexed RSLC

[Bibliot. Nat. France cat.]

Maine et Loire, Mém. Soc. Acad.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xlix]
Maine-et-Loire Soc. Ac. Mém.
[RSLC, v.12, p.xxi]
1871 - 1886
(n. s., t.13(?) -t.28)
1887 - 1897
(4e s., t.1 - t.11)
1898 - 1925
(5e s., t.1 - t.28)
1926 - 1946
(6e s., t.1 - t.20)
Mémoires de la Société Nationale d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers

Continues B.

Continued by D.

Indexed RSLC

[Univ. Angers cat.; Cat. Collectif. France]

Angers, Mém. Soc. Agric.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xv]
1890/91 - 1896/97
(n.s. I-IV)
Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences et Belles-lettres d'Angers

This is a publication of a rival society to the Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers.

Continues P.

Indexed RSLC

[Bibliot. Nat. France cat.]

Angers Ac. Sci. Mém.
[RSLC, v.13, p.xii]
1947/50 -
(7e s. t.1/4 - )
Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers

Continues C.

[Bibliot. Nat. France cat.]

