Duisburgische Gelehrte Gesellschaft
Duisburg Scholarly Society
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
1756 - 1761
Determining the founding
year of the Duisburgische Gelehrte Gesellschaft has been challenging.
Evidence from its publications suggests that it was in existence between
at least 1759 and 1761.
We have also seen the Society referred to as the
Gelehrte Gesellschaft zu Duisburg
(in the phrase Gelehrten Gesellschaft zu Duisburg) and the
Gelehrte Gesellschaft in Duisburg
(in the phrase Gelehrten Gesellschaft in Duisburg).
For example, in
a review by C.A. Klotz of the Nürnbergische Münzbelustigungen by
Georg Andreas Will we read that someone named
Heumann von Deutschenbrunn had been a member of the Gelehrte
Gesellschaft zu Duisburg.
In addition, we read on pp. 276-276 of
Einige Nachrichten von dem Leben, Charakter und den Schriften Herrn Samuel Willhelm Oetters
that Oetter, Samuel Wilhelm had become a member of the
Gelehrte Gesellschaft in Duisburg in 1756.
Hence we have been able to establish the existence of this society between at least 1756 and 1761.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
Gelehrte Gesellschaft in Duisburg
Information on pp. 276-276 of
Einige Nachrichten von dem Leben, Charakter und den Schriften Herrn Samuel Willhelm Oetters.
1759 - 1761
Duisburgische Gelehrte Gesellschaft
Its publications.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
Der Duisburgischen Gelehrten Gesellschaft deutsche Schriften
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Deutsche Schr. der Duisburgischen Gel. Gesellsch.
[Reuss, v.9, p.13 cites Th.1.]
Deutsche Schriften der Duisburgischen Gel. Gesellsch.
[Reuss, v.8, p.395 cites Th.1;
v.8, p.396 cites Th.1.]
Opusculorum Societatis Literariae Duisburgenzis fasciculus ..
It seems likely that this Latin title was also a publication of the
Duisburgische Gelehrte Gesellschaft.
According to a record in the
GBV German Union cat.,
this item had the parallel title:
Opusculorum Societatis Literariae Duisburgiensis.
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Societas Litteraria Duisburgensis
[Reuss, v.9, 104 cites Fasc.1.]
Der Duisburgischen Gelehrten Gesellschaft Schriften, nebst einigen
gelehrten Neuigkeiten und Aufgaben
Indexed Reuss
[GBV German Union cat.]
Schriften der Duisburgischen Gel. Gesellsch.
[Reuss, v.8, 376 cites Th.1;
v.9, p.13 cites Th.1.]