Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelyke Wysbegeerte te Rotterdam
Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy in Rotterdam
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
This date is supported by the title of
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
The Netherlands
This location is supported by the Society's name.
Name of the Society
1774 - 1798
Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelyke Wysbegeerte te Rotterdam
Its publications.
1800 -
Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam
Its publications.
1865 - ????
Société Batave de Philosophie Expérimentale de
Its publications.
Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelyke Wysbegeerte te Rotterdam
Batavian Society for Experimental Philosophy in Rotterdam
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1774 - 1798
(v.1 - v.12)
Verhandelingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelyke
Wysbegeerte te Rotterdam
The record in the Univ. Leiden cat.
indicates that for the years 1775-76 this was under the title:
Handelingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelyke
Continued by B.
Indexed Reuss &
[Univ. Leiden cat.;
GBV German Union cat.;
Scudder #898c;
Lieburg p.19.]
Verhand. van het Bataafsch Genootsch. te Rotterdam
[Reuss, v.4, p.298 cites Rochusson in Deel 11,
the title of the article by Jan Rochusson, the starting page, and the
volume number are confirmed on p.174 of
Verhandel. Bataaf. Genoot. Proef. Wijsb.
[Osiris, 2nd Series, Vol. 4, (1988), p.143 cites
1798, 12.]
Verhandel. Bataaf. Genoot. Proefond. Wijsb.
[Osiris, 2nd Series, Vol. 4, (1988), p.133 cites
1790, 9.]
Verhandel. van het Genootsch. te Rotterdam
[Reuss, v.4, p.64 cites Bicker in Deel 2, p.147;
the title of the article by Lambertus Bicker, the starting page, and the
volume number are confirmed on p.170 of
Verhandl. van het Genootsch. te Rotterdam
[Pogg, v.1, col.187 cites Dl. I. and Dl.
1800 - 1851/65
(v.1 - v.12, no.3);
1867 - 1946
(2.Reeks v.1 - v.12)
1948 -
(3.Reeks v.1 - )
Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Bataafsch Genootschap der
Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam
Continues A.
Indexed Reuss &
Pogg. &
[Univ. Leiden cat.;
GBV German Union cat.;
Scudder #898a;
Lieburg pp.19-20.]
Nieuwe Verh. Bat. Gen. Proefonderv. Wijsbeg.
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 253, No. 784 (Dec.
21, 1967), p.198 cites 1937.]
Nieuwe Verh. proefonderv. Wijsbeg.
[Notes Rec. Roy. Soc., Vol. 26, No. 2
(Dec., 1971), p.179 cites 8 (1919).]
Nieuwe Verhandel. van het Genootsch. te Rotterdam
[Reuss, v.7, p.297 cites H. van Liender in Deel
1, p.539;
the title of the article by H. van Liender, the starting page, and the
volume number are confirmed on pp.175-176 of
Nieuwe Verhandl. van de Genootsch. te Rotterd.
[Pogg, v.1, col.187 cites Dl. I.]
Rotterdam, N. Verhand.
[RSLC, v.1, p.lxvi]
Rotterdam, Nieuwe Verh.
[RSLC, v.13, p.lxxix]
Rotterdam, Nieuwe Verhandel.
[RSLC, v.9, p.xxvii]
1772 -
(v.1 - )
Programma van het Bataafsch Genootschap der Proefondervindelijke
Wijsbegeerte, gesticht door Steven Hoogendijk te Rotterdam
Evidently translated in part in C1.
For a complete enumeration of the volumes, years, and presiding presidents
associated with each Programma from 1772 - 1984, see
pp.14-17 of
On p.14, Lieburg indicates that in the early
years the word Agenda was used in place of
The Univ. Leiden cat. record gives holdings
only for 1884 - 1919 (v.58 - v.74).
[Lieburg pp.14-17;
Univ. Leiden cat.;
Scudder #898b]
1863 - 1912
Programme de la Société Batave de Philosophie
Expérimentale de Rotterdam
A note on pp.14-15 of Lieburg indicates that
this serial ran from 1863 - 1912, and was a translation of the
Programma intended to be sent to societies and
journals outside the country.
The GBV German Union cat. record has
holdings only for 1865 - 1912.
[Lieburg, pp.14-15;
GBV German Union cat.;
Scudder #906a]
Verslag der Voordrachten van Leden van het Bataafsch Genootschap der
Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam
Lieburg p.21 enumerates the three volumes
giving their dates.
[Lieburg p.21;
GBV German Union cat.]