Medical Society of London


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
This date is supported by Hume pp.100-101.

It should be noted that in 1805 several people left the Medical Society of London to found the Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, which in 1834 became the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London, and which in 1907 merged with several other specialist societies to form the Royal Society of Medicine. The Medical Society of London has, however, continued to exist independently to this day.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by Hume pp.100-101.
Name of the Society
1773 - Medical Society of London This name is supported by Hume pp.100-101.

It is also supported by the existence of the following book in the Harvard Univ. cat.: A discourse on the best method of prosecuting medical enquiries; delivered before the Medical Society of London, at their annual meeting, on Tuesday, January 18, 1774, and published at their request. By James Sims, M.D. ... (London, Printed by H. Hart, and sold by J. Johnson, D. Wilson and G. Nicol, and C. Parker, MDCCLXXIV.)

Medical Society of London
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1787 - 1805
(v.1 - v.6)
Memoirs of the Medical Society of London, instituted in the year 1773

Continued by B.

Indexed Reuss

[Leeds Univ. cat.; Univ. Chicago cat.; Harvard Univ. cat.]

Mem. Med. Soc. of London
[J. Stat. Soc. Lond., Vol. 11, No. 2 (May, 1848), p.175 cites 1782.]
Mem. of the Med. Soc. of London
[Reuss, v.10, p.18 cites Vol.6.]
Mem. of the Medical Soc. of London
[Reuss, v.1, p.382 cites Vol. 2.]
1797 [published 1810] - 1817
(v.1, no.1 - no.2);
1846, 1861, 1862
(n.s., v.1 - )
Transactions of the Medical Society of London

The Leeds Univ. cat. indicates that volumes in this series of the Transactions were only issued in 1810, 1817, 1846, 1861, 1862; the same title was used in continuation of C from 1889/1890.

In addition the Harvard Univ. cat. gives its holdings as v. 1: no. 1-2 (1797-1817), n.s. v. 1 (1846).

But the RSLC, v.1, p.xlvii gives the publication history for the early years as: vols.I-IV = 1810-1813.

Continues A.

Publication resumed (1872/1874) as C.

Indexed RSLC

[Leeds Univ. cat.; Harvard Univ. cat.; RSLC, v.1, p.xlvii]
London, Med. Soc. Trans.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xlvii]
1872/1874 - -1888/1889
(v.1 - v.12)
Proceedings of the Medical Society of London

Continues B.

Continued by D.

[Leeds Univ. cat.]

1889/1890 -
(v.13 - )
Transactions of the Medical Society of London

Continues C.

[Leeds Univ. cat.; Harvard Univ. cat.; CISTI cat.]

Trans. med. Soc. Lond.
[Isis, Vol. 56, No. 4 (Winter, 1965), p.614 cites 1964, 80.]
Trans. Med. Soc. London
[Isis, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Feb., 1931), p.60 cites 1917, 40.]
