Real Sociedad Económica Mallorquina de Amigos del País
Royal Economic Society of Mallorca of the Friends of the Country
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
The following article on pp.380-391 of T.33, 1974 of the
Boletin de la Sociedad Arqueologica Lvliana entitled
La Real Sociedad Económica Mallorquina de Amigos del País e sus Actividades (1778 - 1917) provides some information on this society, in particular on the work that it accomplished.
On p.380, the author Juan Llabrés gives a founding date of 1778, April 23.
In an earlier section of T.33, on p.281, we read that the last traces of the existence of this organization point to the year 1941.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
Palma, Mallorca
This location is supported by
the imprint statement for its journal in the
Bib. Nac. Esp. cat..
Name of the Society
1778 - 1941
Real Sociedad Económica Mallorquina de Amigos del País
The above-cited statements in T.33, 1974 of the
Boletin de la Sociedad Arqueologica Lvliana.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1 (1784)
Memorias de la Real Sociedad Económica Mallorquina de Amigos del País
The imprint statement in the
Bib. Nac. Esp. cat.
gives the place of publication as Palma de Mallorca.
[Cat. Col. Pub. Per. &
Bib. Nac. Esp. cat.]
Memor. de la Soc. Mallorquina
v.8, pp.278, 279 and 282 cite articles on economic matters in P. I of this journal.]
Memor. de la Soc. Econom. Mallorquina
Reuss, v.8, p.285 cites P. I.]