Royal Society of Edinburgh
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to
Campbell / Smellie (1983), p.2,
a Society for the Improvement of Medical Knowledge was founded in
1731, and published five volumes of its
Medical Essays and Observations, which were translated into
several languages.
Campbell / Smellie (1983), p.2 go on to say that, in 1737,
Colin Maclaurin suggested that the scope of the Society be broadened to
include literature and philosophy.
The Society thus augmented became the
Edinburgh Society for improving Arts and Sciences and particularly
Natural Knowledge, or, in brief, the
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh.
After some delay, a first volume of their
Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary appeared in
1754. A second volume appeared in 1756, and a third in 1771.
Campbell / Smellie (1983), pp.2-3 indicate that, towards the end of
its life, the Society led an uncertain existence, and it was desired that
it be replaced by a more permanent and comprehensive society.
Late in 1782 a proposal for just such an establishment was drawn up at a
meeting of the Professors of the University of Edinburgh, many of whom
were also members of the Philosophical Society of Edinburgh.
According to
Campbell / Smellie (1983), p.4, on 1782, November 30, a petition was
submitted to the King for a Royal Society of Edinburgh, and on
1783, March 29, the King granted it.
From this date, we must take the
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh to be ceased and the
Royal Society of Edinburgh to be founded.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
1783, March 29 -
Royal Society of Edinburgh
Campbell / Smellie (1983), p.4 gives this start date for this name.
Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE)
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1788 - 1966
(v.1 - v.66, no.18)
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
According to the record in the
Harvard Univ. cat.,
the first 4 vols. are each in 3 sections: History of the society, Papers
of the Physical class, and Papers of the Literary class; the Literary
class ceased to appear after v. 4; the "History", which appeared in v.
1-5, included the proceedings for 1783-1803, after which the publication
of proceedings was suspended until Dec. 1832, when the society began to
issue an independent series entitled Proceedings; suspended 1804-Dec.
According to
Scudder, #124b and #117, this title
Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary : read
before a society in Edinburgh, and published by them
(published by the
Philosophical Society in Edinburgh).
Continued by E.
Indexed Reuss &
Pogg. &
[Harvard Univ. cat.;
Scudder #124b]
Edin. Trans.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 104 (1814), p.127
cites 3rd Vol.]
Edinb. Philos. Trans.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 109 (1819), p.163 cites
Vol. VIII.]
Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 164 (1874), p.114 cites
xxv. 1869.]
Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans.
[RSLC, v.1,]
Edinb. Soc. Tr.
v.1, col.206 cites Vol. II.]
Edinb. Tr.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 81 (1791), p.49 cites I.]
Edinb. Tr.
[Pogg, v.1, col.43 cites XV. 1842, XVI.
1847, XVI. 1849, XX. 1853; these are articles by Thomas Anderson, which
RSLC, v.1, p.64 cites as Edinb. Trans. Roy.
Edinb. Trans.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 81 (1791), p.68 cites
Vol. I.]
Edinb. Transact.
[Pogg., v.1, col.295 cites an article by
David Brewster in VI, 1806;
the corresponding entry in RSLC, v.1, p.613
gives the reference as
Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans., VI., 1812.]
Edinb. Transactions
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 94 (1804), p.274 cites
Vol. V.]
Edinburgh Philosophical Transactions
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 150 (1860), p.153 cites
pp. 529, 530 of an article by David Brewster on atmospheric
lines in vol. xii; the corresponding entry in
RSLC, v.1, p.618, #144 gives the abbrev. as
Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans.]
Edinburgh, Roy. Soc. Trans.
[RSLC, v.9, p.xvi]
Edinburgh Trans.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 88 (1798), p.378 cites
Vol. III.]
Edinburgh Transactions
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 81 (1791), p.48 cites
Vol. I.]
Phil. Trans. Edinb.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 150 (1860), p.157 cites
p. 522 of an article by David Brewster on atmospheric
lines in vol. xii; the corresponding entry in
RSLC, v.1, p.618, #144 gives the abbrev. as
Edinb. Roy. Soc. Trans.]
Tr. Edinb. Soc.
[Pogg, v.1, col.205 cites Vol. V.]
Trans. Edinb. Soc.
[Pogg, v.1, col.32 cites Vol. VI. VII,
Trans. of the R. S. of Edinburgh
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 88 (1798), p.329 cites
Vol. III.]
Trans. of the Soc. of Edinburgh
Vol. 8 (1948), p.259 cites T. XIV, 1868.]
Trans. R. S. Edin.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 131 (1841), p.17 cites
vol. xiv.]
Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 198 (1906), p.408
cites vol. 39 (1900).]
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 144 (1854), p.354 cites
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 144 (1854), p.124 cites
vol. xx.]
Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 164 (1874), p.504 cites
vol. xii.]
Trans. Roy. Soc'y of Edinburgh
[J. Am. Oriental Soc.,
1866, Vol. 8.
p.lxxviii cites vol. xxiii, 1864.]
Transact. Edinb. Soc.
[Pogg, v.1, col.42.]
Transact. of the Soc. of Edinb.
[Reuss, v.1, p.38 cites Vol.2.]
Transact. of the Soc. of Edinburgh
[Reuss, v.4, p.15 cites Vol. I and Vol. 8.]
Transactions Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 173 (1882), p.347
cites vol. viii.]
T.R.S. Edinburgh
[Geographical Journal,
Vol. 4, No. 1 (Jul., 1894), p.88 cites 37 (1893).]
[i.e. pub. 1789]
Philosophische und historische Abhandlungen der Königlichen
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft zu Edinburgh
Full-text of 1.1789 is available at
Göttinger DigitalisierungsZentrum GDZ.
According to the full-text at the
Göttinger DigitalisierungsZentrum GDZ,
the author statement reads:
Aus dem Englischen übersetzt. Mit Anmerkungen und
Zusätzen herausgegeben von Johann Gottlieb Buhle Professor der
Philosophie zu Göttingen.
A German translation of part of A.
[GBV German Union cat.]
(v.1 - v.60)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
According to a record in the
Harvard Univ. cat.,
Proceedings for 1783-1803 were included in "History of the society" which
formed part of v. 1-5 of the society's Transactions, i.e. A;
after the latter date
they were suspended until the present series was begun.
Split into C and D.
Indexed RSLC
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
Edinb. Roy. Soc. Proc.
[RSLC, v.1,]
Edinburgh, Roy. Soc. Proc.
[RSLC, v.9, p.xvi]
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 166 (1876), p.580 cites
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 176 (1885), p.642
cites vol. xi., 1881-82.]
Proc. Roy. Soc'y. Edin.
[Law Contemp. Probl.,
Vol. 22, No. 1, Narcotics (Winter, 1957),
p.4 cites 1890.]
Proc. Royal Soc'y, Edin.
[J. Geology,
Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan. - Feb., 1893),
p.109 cites 1888.]
Proc. Royal Soc'y. Edinburgh
Vol. 22, No. 257 (May, 1888),
p.487 cites 1887.]
R. So. Edinburgh, Proc.
[Math. Tables Other Aids Comput.,
Vol. 2, No. 16 (Oct., 1946), p.165 cites v. 8, 1875.]
1941 - 1967
(Vol.61, pt.1 - v.67, pt.4)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A,
Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Continues in part B.
Continued by F.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1941 - 1966
(Vol.61, pt.1 - v.69, pts.3/4)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B: Biology
Continues in part B.
Continued by G.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1967 - 1979
(v.67, no.1 - v.70, no.13/14)
Transactions / the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Continues A.
Continued by K
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1968 - 1974
(Vol.68, pt.1 - v.71, pt.4)
Proceedings. Section A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences / The Royal
Society of Edinburgh.
Continues C.
Continued by H.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1967 - 1974
(Vol.70, pt.1 - v.74)
Proceedings. Section B, Biology / The Royal Society of Edinburgh
Continues D.
Continued by I.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
(Vol.72, pt.1 - )
Proceedings. Section A, Mathematics / The Royal Society of
Continues F.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1975 - 1976
Proceedings. Section B, Natural Environment / The Royal Society of
Continues G.
Continued by J.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1978 - 1994
(Vol.76, pts.1/3 - v.104)
Proceedings. Section B, Biological Sciences / The Royal Society of
Continues I.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]
1980 -
(Vol.71, pt.1 - )
Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Earth Sciences
Continues E.
[Harvard Univ. cat.]