Société de Médecine, Chirurgie et Pharmacie établie
à Bruxelles, sous la devise Aegrotantibus
Society of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacie established in Brussels with the logo
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
1795 - 1804;
1804 - 1830
At the BESTOR website we learn from an entry for the
Société de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Bruxelles that the Society was created on 1795, September 30. The article also indicates that the “devise” of the Society was Aegrotantibus, meaning that it was devoted to sick people.
According to Sondervorst (1981), p.150, the
Société de Médecine, de Chirurgie et de Pharmacie de Bruxelles
came into being through the work of the physician Van Asbroek; its first
secretary was J.B. Van Mons. Another officer of the Society was
Fournier Pescay of Bordeaux, who was the provincial secretary.
Sondervorst (1981), p.150 notes that among the
corresponding members of the Society were some of the greatest names in medicine of the day.
The BESTOR article also indicates that by 1804, the Aegrotantibus society had been riddled with dissension and internal quarrels, and had stopped contributing to the scholarly record; it continues by saying that on 1804, July 3, this Society was replaced by the Société de médecine de Bruxelles.
The BESTOR article for this new society,
Société de médecine de Bruxelles, indicates that it also struggled, and first dissolved in 1814, and later attempted to merge with another society, but evidently failed and was absolutely defunct by 1830.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
1795 - 1804
Société de Médecine, Chirurgie et Pharmacie établie
à Bruxelles, sous la devise "Aegrotantibus"
The above-mentioned entry in the BESTOR website.
1804 - 1830
Société de Médicine de Bruxelles
The above-mentioned entry in the BESTOR website.
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
An VI/1800 = 1797/1800 [1797/1806] (1.)
Actes de la Société de Médecine, Chirurgie et
Pharmacie etablie à Bruxelles sous la devise Aegrotantibus
A record in the Zeitschriftendatenbank gives the title as Actes de la Société de Médecine, Chirurgie et Pharmacie etablie à Bruxelles sous la devise Aegrotantibus for the first volume covering An VI[=1797]/1800.
RSLC, v.1, p.xxiv, however, gives the title as
Actes de la Société Médicale de Bruxelles for this journal and its successor, covering Vols. I-III, 1806-1810.
Continued by B.
Indexed in Reuss &
Actes de la Soc. de Bruxelles - Aegrotantibus
[Reuss, v.3, p.54 cites T. I. P. I.]
Actes de la Soc. de Med. Chir. et Pharm. de Bruxelles : Aegrotantibus
[Reuss, v.2, p.183 cites T. 1. P. 2.]
Actes de la Soc. de Medec. Chir. et Pharm. de Bruxelles, Aegrotantibus
[Reuss, v.12, p.311 cites T. I. P. I.]
Actes de la Soc. de Medec. Chir. et Pharmac. de Bruxelles - Aegrotantibus
[Reuss, v.3, p.135 cites T. I. P. 2.]
Actes de la Soc. de Medec. Chirurg. et Pharm. de Bruxelles; Aegrotantibus
[Reuss, v.12, p.340 cites T. I. P. 2.]
Actes de la Soc. de Medec. Chirurg. et Pharmac. de Bruxelles: Aegrotantibus
[Reuss, v.11, p.206 cites T. I, P. I.]
Actes Soc. Méd. Chirurg. et Pharm.
[Am. J. Botany, Vol. 8, No. 5 (May, 1921), p.250
cites an article by J. B. Van Mons on Rhus radicans in 12: 136-137. 1797;
the corresponding entry in Reuss, v.2, p.183 gives
the reference as Actes de la Soc. de Med. Chir. et Pharm. de Bruxelles :
Aegrotantibus. T. 1. P. 2. p. 136.]
Bruxelles, Actes Soc. Méd.
[RSLC, v.1, xxiv.]
1808 - 1812 (2. - 4.)
Actes de la Société de Médicine de Bruxelles :
ou recueil des observations de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie
A record in the Zeitschriftendatenbank gives the title as
Actes de la Société de Médicine de Bruxelles :
ou recueil des observations de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacie.
RSLC, v.1, p.xxiv, however, gives the title as Actes de
la Société Médicale de Bruxelles for this journal and its
predecessor, covering Vols. I-III, 1806-1810.
Continues A.
Indexed in Reuss &
Actes de la Soc. de Medec. de Bruxelles
[Reuss, v.15, p.161 cites T. 3.]
Bruxelles, Actes Soc. Méd.
[RSLC, v.1, xxiv.]