Società Medica Chirurgica di Bologna
Medical and Surgical Society of Bologna
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to Maylender (1926-1930),
v.4, p.25, this Society was founded in 1802 by two physicians, Gaetano
Gandolfi and Matteo Venturoli.
Maylender (1926-1930), v.4, p.25
refers to this Society as the Accademia Medica;
but Maylender (1926-1930), v.4, p.33 refers
to it as the Società Medica, which is more likely correct,
since that it how it appears in the name of its 1807 publication.
Maylender (1926-1930), v.4, p.25 indicates
that in 1807 it published the first volume of its Memorie.
According to Maylender (1926-1930), v.4,
pp.25-26, material for a second volume was ready, and would have been
published if the French governor had not ordered the formation of the
Ateneo Bolognese through the merger of several existing Bolognese
bodies, including the Società Medica.
It appears (Maylender (1926-1930), v.7, p.26),
however, that the Ateneo Bolognese never actually came into
existence, and in 1812 even the record of its symbolic foundation was
According to Maylender (1926-1930), v.7, p.26,
the Society was revived in 1823 with the designation
According to Maylender (1926-1930), v.7, p.33.
the Società Medica, which had been shut down in 1812
through the desire of the French governor to centralize the Bolognese
academies and societies into the projected Ateneo,
was replaced in 1823 by another society entitled Medico-Chirurgica.
There are records in the
SBN Italian Union cat. for
publications as late as
1892 (Inibizione del vomito...) and
1899 (Ancora sulla patogenesi e significato
semeiologico...) in which the author statement gives
Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna.
But there is a record in the
SBN Italian Union cat. for a
publication as early as 1897
(Osservazioni e ricerche relative al valore patogenetico...)
in which the author statement gives
societa medica-chirurgica di Bologna.
It is not absolutely clear when the change occurred (likely the mid- to
late 1890s), but
Società Medica Chirurgica di Bologna is the name currently
used at its website
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
Società Medica di Bologna
Its journals establish this name for 1807.
1824 - 1899
Società Medico-Chirurgica di Bologna
Its journals establish this name from 1824 onward;
a record in the
SBN Italian Union cat. establishes
this name as late as 1899.
1897 -
Società Medica Chirurgica di Bologna
A record in the
SBN Italian Union cat. establishes
this name as early as 1897;
it is the current name used at its website
Società Medica Chirurgica di Bologna =
Medical and Surgical Society of Bologna
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
Memorie della Società Medica di Bologna
Indexed RSLC
[GBV German Union cat.]
Bologna, Mem. Soc. Med.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xxi]
1824/25 (Oct.-Dec.)
Giornale di Medicina e Chirurgia / Società Medico-Chirurgica
di Bologna
The numbering statement is given by the record in the
GBV German Union cat..
Continued by C.
Indexed RSLC
[GBV German Union cat.;
Cat. Ital. Periodici (ACNP)]
Bologna, Opuscoli
[RSLC, v.1, p.xxi]
1824/25 - 1834
(1.,3 - 9.,19)
Opuscoli della Società Medico-Chirurgica di Bologna
The numbering statement is given by the record in the
GBV German Union cat..
According to the record in the
Cat. Ital. Periodici (ACNP), this title is
continued by E.
Continues B.
Continued by E.
Indexed RSLC
[GBV German Union cat.;
Cat. Ital. Periodici (ACNP)]
Bologna, Opuscoli
[RSLC, v.1, p.xxi]
1829 -
(1. - )
Bullettino delle Scienze Mediche :
pubblicato per cura della Società Medico-Chirurgica di Bologna e
compilato dai soci.
The author statement is given by the record in the
Bib. Naz. Napoli cat..
The author statement in the
GBV German Union cat. is
Scuola Medica di Bologna, but the Note field indicates
that part of the time the author statement was
Società Medico-Chirurgica di Bologna.
The record in the
GBV German Union cat.
gives the numbering statement: 1.1829 - 163.1991,1 and also
indicates that the title ceased in 1991.
But the Society website
) indicates
that this title is still being published;
it gives the author statement for Anno CLXXVI - 2004
Fascicolo 3 as
Organo della Società e Scuola Medica Chirurgica di
The holdings statement of a record in the
Harvard Univ. cat. indicates that
this title was also numbered as a sequence of series from
1st ser. v.1/2-11/12=anno 1-7(1829/30-1835) to a 11th ser. beginning in
1933, as well as the sequential numbering.
[Bib. Naz. Napoli cat.;
GBV German Union cat.;
Harvard Univ. cat.]
Boll. Soc. Med. Chir. Bologna
[Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
Vol. 88, No. 19 (Oct. 1, 1991), p.8699 cites Ser. V 23 (1877).]
Bull. d. sc. med. di Bologna
[American Anthropologist, Vol.
4, No. 2 (Apr., 1891), p.192 cites 1890, 7. s., i.]
Bull. del. Sc. mediche
Vol. 7, No. 2 (1925), p.224 cites ser. 9, 10, 1922.]
1838 - 1875[?]
(1. - 8.)
Memorie della Società Medico-Chirurgica di Bologna
The numbering statement is given by the record in the
GBV German Union cat..
The record in the
Cat. Ital. Periodici (ACNP) gives the numbering as
1835 - 1875.
Continues C.
Indexed RSLC
[GBV German Union cat.;
Cat. Ital. Periodici (ACNP)]
Bologna, Mem. Soc. Med. Chir.
[RSLC, v.1, p.xxi]
1891 - 1921
Resoconto delle Adunanze della Società Medico-Chirurgica di
[Cat. Ital. Periodici (ACNP)]