Svenska Läkaresällskapet
Swedish Medical Society


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes

Its website () gives the founding year as 1808. The title of its centenary publication also suggests that 1808 is the official founding year: Svenska läkaresällskapets historia 1808-1908 / af F. Lennmalm (1908) (as given in a record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat.)).

There are, however, a significant number of websites that give the founding date as 1807. An example is (which is an entry for the Svenska Läkaresällskapet in the Swedish Nationalencyklopedin), where we read: "Svenska Läkaresällskapet, sammanslutning grundad 1807 som en förening för diskussion av medicinska vetenskapliga publikationer." [accessed 2009-03-15]

The reason for these two variant founding dates is not clear. It is possible that the Svenska Läkaresällskapet might have begun meeting informally in 1807, and was not formally constituted until 1808. We shall use the earlier of the two dates for this history page.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its website ().
Name of the Society
1812 - 1833 Svenska Läkare-sällskapet Its publications establish this name as early as 1812, and as late as 1833.
1837 - Svenska Läkaresällskapet Its publications establish this name as early as 1837.
Svenska Läkaresällskapet = Swedish Medical Society
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1812 - 1833 (Bd 1 - 12)

Svenska Läkare-sällskapets Handlingar

Continued by B.

Indexed Reuss & RSLC

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

Stockholm, Svenska Läk. Sällsk. Handl.
[RSLC, v.1, p.lxx.]
Svenska Läkare Sällsk. Handl.
[Reuss, v.14, p.73 cites B. I. Häftet 2 och 3.]
1837 - 1901

Svenska Läkaresällskapets Nya Handlingar

Continues A.

Continued by E.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

1839 - 1900 ([Bd 1], nr 1 - bd 62, nr 12);
1901 (årg. 63, nr 1 - nr 12 = N.F., årg. 1, nr 1 - nr 12);
1902 - 1907 (N.F., årg. 2, nr 1 - [årg.] 7, nr 12);
1908 - 1908 (bd 70, nr 1 - bd 71, nr 12 = N.F., [årg.] 8, nr 1 - [årg.] 9(1909), nr 12);
1910 - 1913 (bd 72, nr 1 - bd 75, nr 12);
1914 - 1938 (bd 76 - bd 100, h. 24)

Hygiea : Medicinsk Tidskrift

According to the catalogue record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat.), this was known as Hygiea : Medicinsk och Farmaceutisk Månadsskrift / utgiven av Svenska Läkaresällskapet for 1900-1913, and Hygiea : Medicinsk Tidskrift / utgiven av Svenska Läkaresällskapet for 1914-1938. It is not clear what it was called from 1839 to 1899.

Merged with F and several other similar publications in the Nordic countries to form G.

Continued by G.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

1841/1843 - 1863/1864;
1865 - 1913

Förhandlingar vid Svenska Läkare-sällskapets Sammankomster

Continued by F.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

1907 - 1911 (Bd 37 - bd 39);
1914 - 1937 (bd 40, h.1 - bd 63, h. 4);
1938 - 1952/1953 (bd 64 - bd 74/75);
1954/1955 (bd 76, h. 1 -h. 2);
1957 (bd 77);
1958/1959 (bd 78, h. 1 - h. 2);
1960 - 1974 (bd 79 - bd 83);
1975 (bd 84, h. 1)

Svenska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar = Acta Societatis Medicorum Suecanae

Continues B.

Continued by I.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

Sv. Läk.-Sällsk. Handl.
[Quart. Rev. Biol., Vol. 5, No. 3 (Sep., 1930), p.344 cites Bd. 43, 1917.]
Svenska Läk. Hand.
[J. Hygiene, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Aug., 1927), p.325 cites 1916.]
1914 - 1938 (h. 1 - h. 12)

Svenska Läkaresällskapets Förhandlingar

Continues D.

Merged with C and several other similar publications in the Nordic countries to form G.

Continued by G.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

1939 - 1959 (Bd 1 - bd 62 = nr 1 - nr 52);
1960 - 1971 (vol. 63 - vol. 86 = nr 1 - nr 52);
1972 - 1995 (vol. 87, 1 - vol. 110, 12);
1996 - 1998 (nr 1 - nr 10)

Nordisk Medicin : Medlemstidskrift för Läkare i de Nordiska Läkarförbunden

Formed through the union of several medical publications in the Nordic countries, including C and F.

Continues C.

Continues F.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

Nord. Med.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., B Vol. 133, No. 871 (Feb. 12, 1946), p.197 cites 12, 1941.]
Nord. Med. (Stockholm)
[Mono. Soc. Res. Child Dev., Vol. 10, No. 2, (1945), p.209 cites 1939.]
Nord. Medicin
[Biog. Mem. Fell. Roy. Soc., Vol. 31, (Nov., 1985), an unnumbered page following p.170 cites 1951, 45.]
Nordisk Med.
[Science, New Series, Vol. 159, No. 3820 (Mar. 15, 1968), p.1207 cites 17 (1955).]
År 1956-

Svenska Läkaresällskapets Förhandlingar

Broke away from G.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

1975 - 1979 (Bd 84, h. 2 - 88, h. 5)

Hygiea : Svenska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar = Acta Societatis Medicorum Suecanae

Continues E.

Continued by J.

Libris: Swedish Union cat.)

1980 - (Bd 89, h.1-)

Svenska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar

Continues I.

[Libris: Swedish Union cat.)]

