Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens
Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
This date is supported by its website ().
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its website ().
Name of the Society
1815 - 1859 Kongliga Swenska Landtbruks-akademien =
Kongliga Svenska Landtbruks-akademien
A record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. establishes the older spelling of this name for 1815: Hans kongl. höghet kronprinsens Tal, wid kongl. swenska landtbruks-akademiens högtidliga.... Another record establishes the more modern spelling for 1821: Kongl. svenska landtbruks-academiens annaler...
Its journals establish the more modern spelling for at least 1841-1859.
1861 - 1900 Kongliga Landtbruks-akademiens A record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. establishes this name for 1861: Till Stockholms Läns Kongl. Hushållnings-Sällskap / på Kongl. Landtbruks-Akademiens vägnar. Another record establishes this name for 1900: Om jorddelning och fideikomiss : föredrag i Kongl. Landtbruks-Akademien
1905 - 1938 Kungliga Landtbruksakademiens A record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. establishes this name for 1905: I hvilken utsträckning hafva de s.k. egna hemmen på landsbygden ekonomisk berättigande? Anförande vid Kungl. Landtbruksakademiens... Its journals establish this name to 1938.
1939 - 1955 Kungliga Lantbruksakademiens Its journals.
1956 - Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens Its journals.
Kungliga Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens (KSLA) = Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1813 - 1823
(1 - 16)
Kongl. Svenska Landtbruks-academiens Annaler
Continued by B.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
1827 - 1829
(1 - 2)
Kongl. Svenska Landtbruks-akademiens Handlingar
Continues A.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
1841 - 1859
(D.1 - 19);
1862 - 1876
(D.20 - 34 = Ny följd 1-15)
Handlingar rörande Landtbruket och dess binäringar / utgifne af Kongl. Svenska Landtbruks-akademien
The catalogue record for this item in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. gives the impression that the descriptor Svanska was part of the name of the Academy for the period 1841-1876; but this appears to be at variance with the catalogue record for B, where that designator is absent.
Merged with D to form E.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
1862 - 1876
([Årg. 1] - 15)
Kongl. Landtbruks-akademiens Tidskrift
Merged with C to form E.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
1877 - 1938
(Årg. 16 - 77)
Kungl. Landtbruks-akademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift
The record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. indicates that the title was initially Kongl. Lantbruksakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift. Since the orthographic shift from Kongl. to Kungl. occurred in other Swedish journals between 1905 and 1920, we may assume that the name change for this journal also occurred in that time period.
Formed by the merger of C and D. Continued by F.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
1939 - 1955
(Årg. 78 - årg. 94
Kungl. Lantbruksakademiens Tidskrift
The record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. indicates that alternative titles were: Zeitschrift der Kgl. Schwedischen Akademie der Landwirtschaft; Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture; and Annales de l'Academie Royale d'Agriculture de Suède.
Continues E. Continued by G.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
(Årg. 95 - )
Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademiens Tidskrift
Continues D.
[Libris: Swedish Union cat.]
