
Fausti on the Accademia degli Ottusi and the Accademia Spoletina
Fausti, Luigi
L'Accademia Spoletina (Notizie Storiche); Ristampa accresciuta ed aggiornata a cura di F. Antolini, G. Chiaretti, L. Leonardi e S. Nessi.
Spoleto: Edizione dell'Accademia Spoletina, 1977. IX, 218 p. + Tav.I - Tav.XVI. [In Italian.]
This book provides a history of the Accademia Spoletina , which was founded as the Accademia degli Ottusi. It was issued in 1977 as a quinquecentenary volume, and consists of a reprint of Fausti's original work of this name published in 1926 as the 1923-1926 volume of the Atti dell'Accademia Spoletina. It was augmented by the editors by the addition of materials to bring the historical account up to 1977.

The copy consulted was kindly loaned by the Library of the University of Toronto (copy located via Univ. Toronto cat.).
