
Institut de France on Itself and its Five Academies
Institut de France
Histoire des Cinq Académies; Textes de Henri Amouroux, Jean Bernard, Jean-Louis Curtis, Jean Delumeau, Christiane Douyère-Demeulenaere, Roland Drago, Maurice Druon, Jacques Friedel, Paul Germain, Jean Leclant, Bertrand Poirot-Delpech, Jaqueline de Romilly, Jean Tulard, Bernard Zehrfuss, rassemblés à l'occasion du bicentenaire de l'Institut de France, Octobre 1995.
Paris: Librairie Académique Perrin, 1995. 464 p. [In French.]
This book provides a history of the Institut de France (founded in 1795) and its five academies. The contents are distributed as follows:

The copy consulted was kindly loaned by the Library of the University of Toronto (copy located via Univ. Toronto cat.).
