Scholarly Societies Project


Repertorium Veterrimarum Societatum Litterariarum (Inventory of the Oldest Scholarly Societies)
Societies for Which Founding Dates are Required

Data for Societies For Which Founding Dates are Required
6 Societies
6 History Pages
0 Websites
Last Updated: 2007, January 3


Societies for Which Founding Dates are Required
Years Published
Duisburgische Gelehrte Gesellschaft
(Duisburg Scholarly Society)
1759 - 1761
Genootschap ter Bevoordering van Genees- en Heel-kunde opgeregt tot Antwerpen onder de zinspreuk Occîdit, qui non servat
(Society for the Advancement of Medicine and Surgery established in Antwerpen with the motto Occîdit, qui non servat)
1797 - 1800
Societas Caritatis et Scientiarum =
Societät Christlicher Liebe und Wissenschaften

(Society of Charity and the Sciences)
1715 - 1785
Société d'Émulation établie à Anvers
(Competitive Society established at Antwerp)
Société de Médecine, Chirurgie et Pharmacie établie à Bruxelles, sous la devise Aegrotantibus
(Society of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy established in Brussels with the motto Aegrotantibus)
1797 - 1812
Vereinigte Gesellschaft in der Oberlausitz
(United Society in Oberlausitz)
1738 - 1756
