
Weisberger on European Freemasonry in the Enlightenment
Weisberger, R. William
Speculative Freemasonry and the Enlightenment. A study of the craft in London, Paris, Prague, and Vienna.
Boulder: East European Monographs, distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 1993. 243 p. [In English.]

This book provides a history of European freemasonry during the Enlightenment, including historical information about the famous Zur Wahre Eintracht lodge in Vienna. Considerable detail, including copious references, is provided.

The effect of this scholarship is somewhat marred by the author's habit of referring to the Continental lodges by English translations of their actual names. As an example, the Zur Wahre Eintracht lodge is referred to throughout the book as the True Harmony lodge. The user unfamiliar with the actual names of the Continental lodges may encounter problems in doing further research because of this unfortunate editorial decision.

The copy consulted was kindly loaned by the University of Guelph Library.
