Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to its website
( ),
the Society was founded in 1766 as the
Svenska Patriotiska Sällskapet till konsters, slöjders och
rikets näringars uppmuntran
(Swedish Patriotic Society for Encouragement of the Arts, Crafts and the
Country's Industries).
In 1772, the constitution of the Society received Royal confirmation and
the Society thereafter received the Royal designation.
Its website
( )
makes it clear that in the early years the Society was concerned with the
strengthening of the national economy, and was therefore concerned with
agriculture, forestry, mining and the textile industry.
Since about 1813, however, the Society has concentrated on making awards
of medals for distinguished service and on performing charitable work.
Its website
( )
indicates that their one remaining journal in 1813, the
Hushållningsjournalen (Agricultural Journal),
ceased publication when the
Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
was set up and began publishing its Records.
[Note: The latter Academy was actually set up in 1811, but did not begin
publication of its first journal, the Annaler until 1813.]
It would appear that at this point the scholarly activity of the
Patriotiska Sällskapet came largely to an end.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its website
( )
Name of the Society
Svenska Patriotiska Sällskapet till konsters, slöjders och
rikets näringars uppmuntran
Its website
( )
gives this as the founding name in 1766.
1770 - 1771
Svenska Patriotiska Sällskapet
Its publications establish this name from 1770 to 1771
1772 - 1774
Kongliga Svenska Patriotiska Sällskapet
Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists a
1772 book with the title:
Åminnelse-tal öfver framlidne landshöfdingen ...
Daniel Tilas, hållit för kongl. svenska patriotiska
sällskapet den 9 november 1772.
Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists a
1774 book with the title:
Åminnelse-tal öfver... Carl Adam Rolin, hållit
för Kongl. Sv. Patriotiska sällskapet den 15 april 1774.
1775 - 1891
Kongliga Patriotiska Sällskapet
Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists a
1775 book with the title:
Underrättelse huru man, i brist af läkare, kan bota sig
sjelf för den farliga veneriska sjukdomen / författad af
Joh. L. Odhelius ; gillad af Kongl. collegium medicum
och utgifwen af Kongl. patriotiska sällskapet.
Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists an
1891 book with the title:
Hushållsträdgården : en trädgårdsbok
för menige man / af Oscar Tamm that had the note:
Täflingsskrift prisbelönad af Kongl. Patriotiska
1904 -
Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapet
Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists an
1904 book with the title:
Boktitlar ur vår senaste mansålders svenska bokskatt :
Urval till ledning vid bildande och fullföljd af folkbibliotek /
ombesörjdt af Svenska sällskapet för nykterhet och
folkuppfostran, Sällskapet för nyttiga kunskapers spridande och
Kungl. patriotiska sällskapet.
This name is also the current name, according to its website
( ).
Kungliga Patriotiska Sällskapet =
Royal Patriotic Society