College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
According to its website
( ),
the College was founded in 1787 as a not-for-profit medical organization.
Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the College.
Name of the Society
1793 -
College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Its publications.
College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
(v.1, pt.1)
Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
No more published until 1841, when it was continued by B.
Indexed Reuss
[Brown Univ. cat.]
Transact. of the College of Physic. of Philadelphia
[Reuss, v.4, p.242 cites Vol. I. P. I.]
Transact. of the College of Phys. of Philadelphia
[Reuss, v.4, p.244 cites Vol. I. P. I.]
1841 - 1844
(Vol.1, no.1 - no.7)
Quarterly Summary of the Transactions of the College of Physicians
of Philadelphia
Continues A.
Continued by C.
[Brown Univ. cat.]
1844 - 1874
(v.1, no.8 - v.3; nser., v.1 - v.4)
Summary of the Transactions of the College of Physicians of
Continues B.
Continued by D.
[Brown Univ. cat.]
1875 - 1937
(3.ser., v.1 - v.54; 4.ser., v.1 - v.5)
Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Continues C.
Continued by E.
[Brown Univ. cat.]
Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila.
[American Anthropologist,
Vol. 6, No. 3 (Jul., 1893), p.332 cites 1892, 3. s., xiv.]
Tr. Coll. Physicians of Philadelphia
[Am. J. Nursing,
Vol. 49, No. 2 (Feb., 1949), p.87 cites Vol. 20, 1898.]
Trans. Coll. Phys., Phila.
[Am. J. Psychol.,
Vol. 49, No. 2 (Apr., 1937), p.226 cites 2, 1934.]
Trans. Coll. Physicians Phila.
[American Anthropologist,
New Series, Vol. 16, No. 4, (Oct. - Dec., 1914), p.537 cites 1875.]
Trans. Coll. Physicians Philadelphia
[Scientific Monthly,
Vol. 74, No. 4 (Apr., 1952), p.217 cites 3rd Ser., 29 (1907).]
Trans. of the Coll. of Physicians. Phila.
[American Anthropologist,
New Series, Vol. 16, No. 4, (Oct. - Dec., 1914), p.540 cites third
series, XIV, 1892.]
1938 -
(4.ser., v.6 - )
Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
Continues D.
[Brown Univ. cat.]
Trans. and Studies Coll. Phys., Philadelphia
[Mono. Soc. Res. Child Dev.,
Vol. 6, No. 1, (1941), p.115 cites 1938, 6.]
Trans. Coll. Phycns. Phila.
Vol. 47, No. 3 (Sep., 1956), p.278 cites 1955, 23.]
Trans. Coll. Phycns. Philad.
Vol. 46, No. 2 (Jun., 1955), p.185 cites 1954, 22.]
Trans. Stud. Coll. Phycns. Philad.
[Notes Rec. Roy Soc.,
Vol. 27, No. 2 (Feb., 1973), p.333 cites 39 (1971).]
Trans. Stud. Coll. Physicians Phil.
Vol. 76, No. 5, (1985), p.184 cites 1983, 5.]
Trans. Stud. Coll. Physicians Phila.
Vol. 67, No. 5, (1976), p.103 cites 1973, 40.]
Trans. Studies Coll. Phys. Phila.
New Series, Vol. 112, No. 2905 (Sep. 1, 1950), p.256 cites 1942, 10.]