According to
Ziche (2002), p.109, this Society was founded on
1793, July 14.
The GBV German Union cat. includes a
record for the following title:
Nachricht von der Gründung einer naturforschenden Gesellschaft
zu Jena am 14ten July 1793 nebst den dabey gehaltnen Reden, den Statuten der
Gesellschaft, und dem Verzeichnisse ihrer Mitglieder / [A. J. G. C.
Batsch] dated 1793.
Ziche (2002), p.109 notes that up to 1802, the
Society operated as a private insitution under the leadership of the Jena
Professor August Johann Georg Batsch, but from 1802 onward it was
under the direct influence of the government in Weimar.
Ziche (2002) also notes that from 1804 to his
death, the president of the Society was
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832).
According to
Ziche (2002), pp.128-129, there was a
deterioration in the support for the Society from the early 1820s onward.
According to
Ziche (2002), p.129, in 1850, after the death of
the last administrator, F.S. Voigt, the last
possessions of the Society, in particular the Library that was still
privately maintained, were integrated into the possessions of the
Ziche (2002), p.129 goes on to say that the
Medizinisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Jena, which was
founded in 1853, can in retrospect be considered the continuation of the