
Accademia Pontaniana
Pontanian Academy


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
A date of 1443 is supported by World Guide to Scientific Associations and Learned Societies (5th ed., 1990, p.145). A date of 1458, however, is supported by its website () There appears to be some relationship between the Accademia Pontaniana and an Accademia Alfonsina, which was evidently established in Napoli 1442: see the Harvard Univ. cat. entry entitled Cenno storico della Accademia alfonsina : istituita nella citta di Napoli nel 1442 / per Camillo Minieri Riccio., which indicates both Accademia Alfonsina and Accademia Pontaniana as subject headings. It is possible that Accademia Alfonsina was the name in the period from 1442/1443 to 1458.

According to Nicolini (1974), pp.64-65, in a decree of 1934, October 16, the statutes of the Società Reale di Napoli were completely replaced at the order of the Fascist regime. One of the principal modifications was the suppression of the Accademia Pontaniana. Its library, archives and miniscule estate were ceded to the Società Reale di Napoli, and the third Academy of the latter, the Accademia di Scienze Morali e Politiche, was renamed Accademia Pontaniana di Scienze Morali e Politiche.

Nicolini (1974), pp.71-73 indicates that, after the retreat of the German forces and the arrival of the Allied forces, a Commissione was appointed to reform the Società. Among the recommendations of that Commissione on 1944, February 6 was that the suppressed Accademia Pontaniana be brought back to life as an autonomous entity. This was approved on 1944, February 17.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by Scudder #1932.
Name of the Society
1458 - 1471 Porticus Antonianus Its website () indicates that the society was founded as Porticus Antonianus in honour of its founder Antonio Beccadelli [1394-1471], and that on his death it was taken over by Giovanni Pontano [1426-1503]. It seems likely, therefore, that the name change occurred in 1471.
1471 - 1543 Accademia Pontaniana its website () indicates that the society survived until 1543.
ca 1795 Accademia del Pontano Scudder #1932.
1808 - 1825 Società Pontaniana di Napoli The note in the Univ. Chicago cat. for the Atti; and Scudder #1957. The author authority file for Accademia Pontaniana in the Illinet cat. indicates: "In 1808 the Società pontaniana was established and named in memory of an earlier Accademia pontaniana which florished c. 1500; In 1825 the Società sebezia [no publs. in LC] combined with the Società pontaniana to form the Accademia pontaniana."
1825 - 1934, October 16;
1944, February 17-
Accademia Pontaniana The note in the Univ. Chicago cat. for the Atti; and Scudder #1931. Nicolini (1974), pp.64-65 gives the date of suppression; and on p.73 the date of revival.
Accademia Pontaniana = Pontanian Academy
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
(1 vol.)
Richerche Critiche appartenenti all'Accademia del Pontano

This title is given in Scudder #1932a; we have been unable to find any other reference to it.

[Scudder #1932a]

1808 - 1820
(v.1 - v.4)
Atti della Società Pontaniana di Napoli

According to the entry in the Univ. Chicago cat.: "A series of Atti was published by the Società Pontaniana previous to its reorganization in 1825 as Accademia Pontaniana. This series covers the years 1808-20 and was published 1810-1847."

Indexed RSLC

[Harvard Univ. cat.; Univ. Chicago cat.; RSLC, v.1, p.lv; Scudder #1957a]

Napoli, Atti Soc. Pontan.
[RSLC, v.1, p.lv]
Napoli Soc. Pontan. Atti
[RSLC, v.12, p.xxiii]
1832 - 1933
(v.1 - v.63);
1947/1948 -
(nser., v.1 - )
Atti dell' Accademia Pontaniana

According to the entry in the Univ. Chicago cat.: "A series of Atti was published by the Società Pontaniana previous to its reorganization in 1825 as Accademia Pontaniana. This series covers the years 1808-20 and was published 1810-1847."

Indexed RSLC

[Univ. Chicago cat.; Harvard Univ. cat.; RSLC, v.1, p.liv; Scudder #1931a]

Accad. Pontan., Atti
[Micropaleontology, 1983, Vol. 29, No. 3, p.304 cites 1856, 7.]
Accad. Pontaniana, Atti
[Osiris, Vol. 7. (1939), p.15 cites 1909.]
Atti Acc. Pontan.
[Am. J. Archaeol., Vol. 56, No. 1 (Jan., 1952), p.78 cites 3 (1930).]
Atti Acc. Pontaniana
[J. Roman Studies, Vol. 66 (1976), p.178 cites 21 (1972).]
Atti Accad. Pontan.
[Historia Z. Alte Gesch., Jun., 1969, Bd. 18, H. 3, p.377 cites XLI (1911).]
Atti d. Acc. Pontan.
[Studi Storici, Oct. - Dec., 1965, Anno 6, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1965), p.601 cites 1915.]
Atti d'Acc. Pontaniana
[Arch. Stor. Ital., 1925, Vol. 83 (Serie 7, Vol. 4), No. 3 (315) (1925), p.172 cites serie II, vol. XXIII (1918).]
Atti d. Accad. Pontaniana
[Am. J. Archaeol., Vol. 1, No. 4/5 (Jul. - Oct., 1897), p.434 cites Vol. XXIII, 1893.]
Atti dell'Acc. Pontaniana
[Aevum, Apr.-Dic. 1942, Anno 16, Fasc. 2/4, p. 245 cites XXVIII, 1898.]
Atti dell' Accad. Pontan
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 174 (1883), p.559 cites vol. vii.]
Atti dell' Accad. Pontan. di Napoli
[Italica, Vol. 24, No. 4 (Dec., 1947), p.327 cites serie 2, xxxvi, 1931.]
Atti dell' Accad. Pontaniana
[Isis, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1924), p.138 cites t. 48, 1918.]
Napoli, Atti Accad. Pontan.
[RSLC, v.1, p.liv]
Napoli, Acc. Pontan. Atti
[RSLC, v.12, p.xxiii]
1853 - 1875
(1 - 23)
Rendiconto delle tornate dell'Accademia Pontaniana

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

Rendiconti Accad. Pontan.
[Taxon, Aug., 2009, Vol. 58, No. 3, p.969 cites 1863, 11.]
1853 - 1859
(v.1 - v.7)
Bulletino Archeologico Napoletano / Accademia Pontaniana

[Scudder #1931b]

1970 -
(1 - )
Quaderni dell'Accademia Pontaniana

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

Quad. Accad. Pontan.
[Taxon, Aug., 2009, Vol. 58, No. 3, p.970 cites 2001, 31.]
