Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala
Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes
In an historical area of another society, the Kungl. Vitterhetsakademie (), we read:
Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala och Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, våra två äldsta ännu bestående sammanslutningar, grundades 1710 och 1739 . . . .
indicating that the Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala and the Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien were the two oldest Swedish societies still in existence, founded in 1710 and 1739 respectively.

Establishing the early name of the Society in Swedish presents some problems. The Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists an 1845 publication with the following title: Kongl. vetenskaps-societeten i Uppsala : dess stiftelse, utbildningoch verksamhet : berättelse. This establishes that the name Kongliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala was in use as early as 1845; it seems likely, however, that this name was in use from its early days. The Libris: Swedish Union cat. lists an 1860-1861 publication with the following title: Årsskrift utgifven av Kongl. Vetenskaps-societeten i Upsala. It seems likely that this form of the Swedish name was in use until the early 20th century when the orthographic shift from Kongliga to Kungliga occurred.

The Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) lists a multi-year publication from 1931-1936, the title for which is only the name of the Society: Kungl[iga] Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala. This is followed in 1937 by the Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens Årsbok. This establishes the use of the name Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala as early as 1931.

It seems likely that the orthographic change from Kongliga to Kungliga occurred in the early years of the 20th century, since that is the pattern for many other Swedish royal societies.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by the name of the Society.
Name of the Society
1740 - 1751 Societas Regia Scientiarum Upsaliensis Its publications establish this form of its Latin name from 1740 - 1751.
1773 - Regia Societas Scientiarum Upsaliensis Its publications establish this form of its Latin name from 1773 to the present.
1845 - 1861 Kongliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala Its publications establish this name only for 1845 - 1861; it is likely, however, that this was the name from its very early days until early in the 20th century.
1931 - Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala Its publications establish this name as early as 1931; it is likely, however, that this was the name from early in the 20th century
Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala = Royal Society of Sciences at Uppsala
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1720/1724 - 1725/1729
(1. - 2.)
Acta Literaria Sueciae

The catalogue record in the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) gives the title as Acta Literaria Sueciae and the the numbering as 1.1720/24 - 2.1725/29.

Records in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. give the title as Acta Literaria Sveciae for 1720 (Del 1), and the title Acta Literaria Sveciæ for 1721 (Del 2) - 1728 (Del 9).

A record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. gives an imprint of Stockholmiæ & Upsaliæ, Sumptibus Johannis Henrici Russwormii regiæ academiæ Upsal. bibliopolæ., confirming that this is indeed a publication of the Academy.

Continued by B.

Indexed Reuss & Pogg.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB); Libris: Swedish Union cat.]

Act. Literar. Suec.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 35 (1727), p.456 cites Trimest. prim. 1727.]
Act. litt. et scient. Suec.
[Pogg., v.1, col.410 cites Vol. II.]
Acta Litterar. et Scient. Sueciae
[Reuss, v.4, p.30 cites Vol.1.]
Acta Litterar. Sueciae
[Reuss, v.4, p.160 cites Vol.1.]
Acta Litteraria Sueciae
[Reuss, v.2, p.11 cites A. 1722.]
1730/1733 - 1735/1739
[i.e. pub. 1738 - 1742]
(3. - 4.)
Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae

The catalogue record in the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) gives the title as Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sueciae and the numbering as 3.1730/33(1738) - 4.1735/39(1742).

Records in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. give the title as Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sveciæ for 1730 (Del 10) - 1739 (Del 19).

A record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. gives an imprint of Stockholmiæ & Upsaliæ, Sumptibus Johannis Henrici Russwormii regiæ academiæ Upsal. bibliopolæ., confirming that this is indeed a publication of the Academy.

Continues A.

Continued by C.

Indexed Reuss & Pogg.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB); Libris: Swedish Union cat.]

Act. Liter. Sueciæ
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 74. (1784), p.227 cites 1734.]
Act. litt. et scient. Suec.
[Pogg., v.1, col.305 cites A. 1736.]
Act. litt. Suec.
[Pogg., v.1, col.348 cites III.]
Acta Litter. Sueciae
[Reuss, v.4, p.81 cites A. 1731.]
Acta Litter. et Scient. Sueciae
[Reuss, v.1, p.84 cites A. 1736.]
Acta Litterar. et Scient. Sueciae
[Reuss, v.4, p.128 cites A. 1737.]
Acta Litteraria Sueciae
[Reuss, v.3, p.85 cites Vol.3.]
1740 - 1744/1750
[i.e. 1744 - 1751]
(1. - 5.)
Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis

The record in the Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) gives the title as Acta Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis and the numbering as 1.1740(1744) - 5.1744/50(1751).

The record in the Libris: Swedish Union cat. gives the title as Acta Societatis Regiæ Scientiarum Upsaliensis and the numbering as 1-5. 1744-51.

Continues B.

Continued by D.

Indexed Reuss & Pogg.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB); Libris: Swedish Union cat.]

Act. Soc. Upsal.
[Pogg., v.1, col.410 cites 1744-50.]
Acta Soc. Upsal.
[Reuss, v.1, p.85 cites A. 1744-1750.]
Acta Soc. Upsaliensis
[Reuss, v.8, p.64 cites A. 1743 & A. 1744-1750.]
Acta Upsal.
[Reuss, v.1, p.191 cites A. 1744 - 1750.]
Acta Upsaliensia
[Reuss, v.1, p.128 cites A. 1740 - 1750; v.2, p.4 cites Ann. 1741.]
1773 - 1850[?]
(2.Ser. 1. - 14.);
1855 - 1904
(3.Ser. 1. - 20.;
1905/1907 - 1967(1968)[?]
(4.Ser. 1. - 20.)
Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis

Continues C.

Continued by F, H & I.

Indexed Reuss & Pogg. & RSLC

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

Act. Soc. Upsal.
[Pogg, v.1, col.48 cites T. XIV; Ser. III, T. I; 1854.]
N. Act. Ups.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 72. (1782), p.225 cites (vol.) 2.]
N. Act. Upsal.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 72 (1782), p.215 cites (vol.) 2.]
N. Act. Upsal.
[Pogg, v.1, col.150 cites VII.]
Nov. Act. Soc. Reg. Upsal.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 14 (1865), p.118 cites 1861.]
Nov. Act. Soc. Sci. Upsal.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 45 (1888 - 1889), p.431 cites vol. 9, 1875.]
Nov. Act. Upsal.
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 72 (1782), p.200 cites (vol.) 2.]
Nov. Act. Upsal.
[Pogg, v.1, col.150 cites 1767. Vol. I; 1773. Vol. I; 1775. Vol. II; 1780. III.]
Nov. Acta Reg. Soc. Upsal.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 30 (1879 - 1880), p.491 cites 1875.]
Nova Act. Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsal.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 176, No. 965 (Oct. 9, 1940), p.262 cites (IV), 2, 1938.]
Nova acta R. S. Sc. Upsal
[Science, New Series, Vol. 5, No. 129 (Jun. 18, 1897), p.943 cites Vol. 13, 1886.]
Nova Acta R. Soc. Sci. Upsala
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 195 (1903), p.320 cites 1892.]
Nova Acta Reg. Soc., Sc. Upsal.
[Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 2 (1920), p.253 cites Ser. 4, Vol. 1.]
Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Sci. Upsaliensis
[Geographical Review, Vol. 8, No. 4/5 (Oct. - Nov., 1919), p.287 cites Ser. 4, Vol. 5, 1918.]
Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Scient. Upsal.
[Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 2. (1920), p.97 cites Ser. IV, Vol. 5, 1918.]
Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Upsal.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 30 (1879 - 1880), p.152 cites ser. iii, vol. ix.]
Nova Acta Reg. Soc. Upsala
[Phil. Trans., B Vol. 214 (1926), p.312 cites series 3, vol. 15, 1892.]
Nova acta regiae soc. scient. Upsaliensis
[Science, New Series, Vol. 93, No. 2418 (May 2, 1941), p.431 cites 10, No. 6, 1937.]
Nova acta regiæ Soc. Scient. Upsaliensis
[Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 12 (1930), p.159 cites Ser. IV. Vol. I.]
Nova Acta Soc. Sci. upsal.
[Proc. Roy. Soc., A Vol. 162, No. 909 (Sep. 15, 1937), p.251 cites Volumen Extraordinarem, 1927.]
Nova Acta, soc. Upsal.
[Annals of Mathematics, 2nd Ser., Vol. 24, No. 4 (Jun., 1923), p.351 cites ser. 4, vol. 1 (1907).]
Nova Acta Soc. Upsaliensis
[Reuss, v.4, p.13 cites Vol.2.]
Nova Acta Upsaliensia
[Reuss, v.3, p.22 cites Vol.2.]
Upsal Transactions
[Phil. Trans., Vol. 88 (1798), p.424 cites 1773.]
Upsala, Nova Acta Soc. Sci.
[RSLC, v.1, p.lxxiii]
Upsala, Soc. Sci. Nova Acta
[RSLC, v.9, p.xxix]
1937 - 1971
[i.e. pub. 1938 - 1971]
Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens Årsbok / Kungliga Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala

This had a parallel title: Årsberättelse.

Continued by G.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

1970 -
(5.ser. 1. - )
Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. C = Botany, General Geology, Physical Geography, Paleontology and Zoology

Continues in part D.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

1972 -
Årsbok / Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societeten i Uppsala

From 1972 - 1989 this had the parallel title: Kungl. Vetenskaps-Societetens Årsbok.

Continues E.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

1973 -
(5.Ser. 1. - )
Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. A, Astronomy and Mathematical Sciences

Continues in part D.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

1973 - 1981[?]
(1. - 4.)
Nova Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum Upsaliensis. B, Physics, Chemistry, Meteorology, Petrology

Continues in part D.

[Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)]

