Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura
National Academy of Agriculture


Founding of the Society
Authority / Notes

According to p.145 of Georgofili (1931) this body was founded by Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821) in 1807 as the Società Agraria del Dipartimento del Reno. On p.146, we learn that on December 25, 1810 a decree was issued to transform the Society into a simple agricultural section of the Ateneo Bolognese (the University or Academy of Bologna). According to p.148, on November 9 of 1811 the Society first met in this non-autonomous role. But on p.148 and following pages we learn that the Society suffered from the political and military crises of the day and eventually fell into a state of inactivity, from which it was revived in 1822 (p.151) but with insufficient funding. They ceased to meet regularly in 1827 (p.153).

The society was not reactivated until 1839 by the Province (p.154) and has had a continuous existence since then. In revising their statutes, they broadened their field of activity to cover the entire Province of Bologna (p.156).

The society was known for a long period as Società Agraria Provinciale di Bologna, or simply Società Agraria di Bologna. It is now called Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura.

Seat of the Society
Authority / Notes
This location is supported by its website ().
Name of the Society
1807 - 1809 Società Agraria del Dipartimento del Reno

According to p.145 of Georgofili (1931) the Society was founded by Napoléon in 1807 with this name.

The following name began as early as 1810.

1810 - 1811 Società Agraria di Bologna According to p.204 of Georgofili (1931), this name was given in the frontispiece of the first two volumes of an Almanacco per gli Agricoltori del Dipartimento del Reno.

1812 - 1813 Sezione Agraria dell'Ateneo Bolognese

According to p.204 of Georgofili (1931), this name was given in the frontispiece of the third and fourth volumes of an Almanacco per gli Agricoltori del Dipartimento del Reno, published 1812 - 1813.

1840 - 1858 Società Agraria della Provincia di Bologna Its publications.
1845 at latest; 1859 at least Società Agraria di Bologna

On p.158 of Georgofili (1931), we see the society referred to for 1845 simply as Società Agraria di Bologna.

On p.160 of Georgofili (1931), we see the society referred to for 1859 simply as Società Agraria di Bologna.

1861 - 1938 Società Agraria Provinciale di Bologna Its publications.
1939 - 1942 R. Accademia di Agricoltura di Bologna Its publications.
1943 Accademia di Agricoltura di Bologna Its publications.
1960 - Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura Its publications establish this name from at least 1960.
Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura = National Academy of Agriculture
Journals of the Society
Full Journal Title
1807 - 1851/1852

Rendiconto delle sessioni della Società Agraria della Provincia di Bologna

According to p.205 of Georgofili (1931), a retrospective volume (v.1) with this title for 1807 to 1839 was inserted in the Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali (published by the Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna; v.2 and v.3 of the Rendiconto were also published in the Nuovi Annali; v.2 covering 1839 - 1850 was also published separately in 1853, and v.3 covering 1850/1851 and 1851/1852 was published separately in 1852.

The record in the Univ. Bologna cat. gives the title as above, but only the end date, 1852.

The record in the Union List of Serials, v.5, p.3916 gives publication dates of 1807 - 1851/52.

Some Rendiconti were also published in C.

[Univ. Bologna cat.; Union List of Serials, v.5, p.3916]

1840/1842 - 1857/1858 [1844 - 1859] (v.1 - v.10)

Memorie lette nelle adunanze ordinarie della Società Agraria della Provincia di Bologna : pubblicate per ordine della Società medesima

The record in the Univ. Bologna cat. gives the title simply as: Memorie della Società Agraria di Bologna, and does not supply the volume numbers for the years (1840-1858).

Continued by D.

[Univ. Bologna cat.; Univ. Milano cat.; Union List of Serials, v.5, p.3916]

1850 (3.Ser, v.1 - v.2)

Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali e Rendiconto dei lavori dell'Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto e delle Società Agraria, di Bologna

See also A for other years of the Rendiconto.

[GBV German Union cat.]

1861 - 1911 [1862 - 1911] (v.1 - v.51); 1912 - 1938

Annali - Società Agraria Provinciale di Bologna

The record in the Univ. Bologna cat. gives the title as above and dates as 1862 - 1938, but does not supply volume numbers.

According to p.206 of Georgofili (1931), the title of the first volume was Annali della Società Agraria Provinciale di Bologna, in continuazione delle Memorie della Società medisima.

The entry in the NUC Pre-1956 Imprints, v.553, p.580, indicates that Vol. 1-51, 56- (1861-1911, 1921- ) are also v. 11-61, 66- of the Memorie della Società agraria provinciale du [sic] Bologna, and that Vol. 52-55 omit the volume numbering of the Annali on t.-p., giving the numbering of the Memorie only; v. 62-66. But with v.56 of the Annali the double numbering is resumed.

The entry in the Union List of Serials, v.5, p.3916, gives the holdings as 1861 - 1911 (v.1 - v.51), 1912 - 1919? (v.62 - v.65), and also indicates that this title is a continuation of the society's Memorie.

According to p.168 of Georgofili (1931) with vol.56 [= v.66, 1921] the regular publication of the Annali ceased, but a vol.57 (1928/1929) and vol.58 (1930) were also added (the author seems clearly to be using the lower number scheme here).

Continues B.

Continued by E.

[Univ. Bologna cat.; NUC Pre1956 Imprints, v.553, p.580; Union List of Serials,v.5, p.3916]

Ann. Soc. Agraria di Bologna
[Bull. Misc. Info. (Roy. Gard. Kew), Vol. 1901, p.44 cites 1900.]
1939 - 1942

Annali - R. Accademia di Agricoltura di Bologna

Continues D.

Continued by F.

[Univ. Bologna cat.]


Annali - Accademia di Agricoltura di Bologna

Continues E.

Continued by G.

[Univ. Bologna cat.]

1960/1961 - (v. 67 - = ser.3, v.1 -)

Annali. Accademia Nazionale di Agricoltura

The entry in the NUC Pre1956 Imprints, v.553, p.580, indicates that Vol. 67, 1961 is v. 1 of series 3, and resumes publication after a period of suspension.

The entry in the Univ. Milano cat. indicates that 3.ser., libro 1 = 67 (1960/61).

Continues F.

[Univ. Bologna cat.; NUC Pre1956 Imprints v.553, p.580; Univ. Milano cat.]
