
Deike on the Landwirthschaftsgesellschaft zu Celle
Deike, Ludwig
Die Entstehung der Celler Landwirtschaftsgesellschaft : Ökonomische Sozietäten und die Anfänge der modernen Agrarreformen im 18. Jahrhuundert / von Ludwig Deike ; bearbeitet von Ilse Deike und Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer
Hannover : Hahn, 1994. 159 p. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Geschichte Nidersachsens ; Bd. 113) [In German.]
This book provides a history of the Königliche Landwirthschaftsgesellschaft zu Celle, which was founded in 1764, and which ceased in 1899. It also provides some historical information on various other agricultural societies; we have used information in this book for the Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland (founded 1724; ceasd 1745).

The copy consulted was kindly loaned by the Library of the University of Michigan.
