1648 - 1793
This date is supported by the website of the
Académie des Beaux-Arts
( ).
In 1648, the Académie was created by the young Louis XIV on the
initiative of Charles Le Brun, official painter to the Court
according to p.282 of
Institut de France (1995).
On 1793, August 8, it was suspended by the revolutionary Convention
Nationale, when
the latter decreed the abolition of
"toutes les académies et sociétés
littéraires patentées ou dotées par la Nation"
[all academies and learned societies licensed or endowed by the
(Institut de France (1995), p.299).
Two years later, on 1795, October 25, the Convention Nationale created the
Institut National des Sciences et des Arts,
which essentially consolidated all the former academies in one
(Institut de France (1995),
Its Troisième Classe was entitled the
Classe de Littérature et Beaux-Arts, and covered
grammar, ancient languages, poetry, antiquities and monuments, painting,
sculpture, architecture, music, and oratory
(Institut de France (1995), p.20).
In a sense, this Classe took over some of the responsibilities of
several former Académies, including the
Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture.
According to p.29 of
Institut de France (1995),
Bonaparte decided, on the advice of a commission, to resurrect the former
academies, but within the bosom of the Institut;
so, on 1803, January 23, the Institut was re-organized into four classes
corresponding to the academies suppressed by the Revolution.
The Quatrième Classe:
Beaux-Arts corresponded to a union of the
Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture
(founded 1648);
Académie Royale de Musique (founded 1669);
Académie Royale d'Architecture (organized 1671).
On 1816, March 21, Louis XVIII issued an order fixing the statutes of the
Institut; one notable change was the return of the designation of
Académie to the constituent parts of the Institut
(Institut de France (1995), p.310).
The Quatrième Classe thus became the
Académie des Beaux-Arts.
Their journal Procès Verbaux, covering 1648 to 1793,
the years the academy existed, was published in 10 volumes by Anatole de
Montaiglon, long after the fact, namely from 1875 - 1892.
More information on the history of this Academy may be found in
Anatole de Montaiglon (1853),
written by the same person who
two decades later published the ten-volume Procès
Verbaux referred to above.