Resources Used in the Historical Data Section: Historical
Societies Covered
Académie d'Angers (1987)
Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts d'Angers
(1685- )
Acccademia Lucchese (1985)
Accademia Lucchese di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
(1584- )
Allen (1986)
Botanical Society of the British Isles
(1836- )
Berkel, Lieburg & Snelders (1991)
Genootschap ter Bevordering van Natuur-, Genees-
en Heelkunde te Amsterdam (1790- )
Brown (1934)
Académie de Montmor
as well as several other of the minor French scientific organizations
of the 17th century
Campbell / Smellie (1983)
Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE)
(1783- )
as well as its immediate precursor, the
Philosophical Society of Edinburgh
Crosland (1967)
Société d'Arcueil
Crosnier (1910)
Société des Arts de
Genève (1776- )
de Seta (1965)
Accademia Cosentina (1511- )
Deike (1994)
Landwirthschaftsgesellschaft zu Celle (1764-1899)
Desplat (1971)
Académie Royale des Sciences
et Beaux-Arts de Pau (1718- )
Dictionary of Scientific Biography
many societies are mentioned
Doneaud du Plan (1878-1882)
Académie Marine de Brest
(1752-1793, 1921- )
Dülmen (1992)
many 18th c. German societies (Engl. transl. of 1st edition of
Dülmen (1996))
Dülmen (1996)
many 18th c. German societies
Een Eeuw Natuurwetenschap in
Indonesië (1950)
Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging
in Nederlandsch-Indië
Engelhardt & Neuschäffer
Livländische Gemeinnützige und Ökonomische
Sozietät (1792-1939)
Enros (1979)
Analytical Society (1812-1813)
Göteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället,
Götheborgska Wetenskaps och Witterhets Samhället (1788-
Fausti (1977)
Accademia Spoletina, originally
Accademia degli Ottusi (1477- )
Field (1988)
Accademia Platonica (1459, 1462 or 1463 to 1522)
Genner (1972)
Kirurgiske Privatselskab
Københavnske Medicinske Selskab
Societas Exercitatoria Medica
Societas Disputatoria Medica Hauniensis
(1785-1787), and
Societas Philiatrica (1787-1791).
Georgofili (1931)
Accademia dei Georgofili (1753- ),
Accademia di Agricoltura di Torino (1785- ),
Società Agraria di Bologna (1807- ),
Accademia Agraria di Pesaro (founded 1828, first public meeting
1829), and
Società Agraria di Lombardia (1861- ).
Gerber (1988)
Patriotische Gesellschaft in Schlesien (1771-1791),
Schlesische Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur
Graf (1993)
Sittlich-Landwirthschaftliche Akademie zu Burghausen
Gross (2001)
Societas Jablonoviana =
Fürstlich Jablonowskische Gesellschaft (1774- ),
Oberlausitzer Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in
Görlitz (1779-?),
Philologische Gesellschaft in Leipzig (1784-?), and
Naturforschende Gesellschaft (1787-?).
Guggisberg & Wahlen (1958)
Ökonomische Gesellschaft in Bern
(1759- )
Hecht (1907)
Fürstlich Anhaltische Deutsche
Gesellschaft (1761-1785)
Hume (1853)
many U.K. societies are covered
Institut de France (1995)
Institut de France
(1795- )
Académie Française
(1635- )
Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
(1663- )
Académie des Sciences
(1666- )
Académie des Sciences Morales
et Politiques
(1795- )
Académie des Beaux-Arts
(1803- ), and also the 3 that it replaced:
Jacob & Mijnhardt (1992)
many Dutch societies are mentioned, including the following major
literary societies:
Kronick (1962)
many 17th and 18th Century scientific and technical journals are covered
Lieburg (1985)
Bataafsch Genootschap der
Proefondervindelijke Wijsbegeerte te Rotterdam (1769- )
Lux (1989)
Académie de Physique de Caen (1662-1676)
Maggiolo (1983)
Accademia dei Ricovrati (1599-1779),
Accademia di Arte Agraria
(1769-1779), and
Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti di
Padova (1779- )
Maylender (1926-1930)
many Italian academies are covered
Montaiglon (1853)
Académie Royale de Peinture et
de Sculpture
Musée Ducal (1955)
Société Typographique de
Bouillon (1768-1788)
Neave (1933)
Entomological Society of London
Entomological Club (1826-1933)
Royal Entomological Society
[founded in 1833 as the Entomological Society of London]
(1833- )
Nicolini (1974)
Accademia Pontaniana (1443- ),
Accademia Palatina (1698-1705),
Accademia delle Scienze di Monsignor Celestino Galiano
(1732-1737, 1741-1744),
Reale Accademia Medico-Chirurgica di Napoli (1740-1934),
Reale Accademia Ercolanese (1755-1808),
Reale Accademia di Scienze e Belle Lettere
(founded by Ferdinando IV, and ran from 1780-1788),
Istituto Nazionale (1799)
Società Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere e Arti in Napoli
(1808- )
Oreshkin (1963)
Imperatorskoe Vol'noe Ekonomicheskoe
Obshchestvo (1765-1917)
Ornstein (1928)
many 17th Century scientific societies are covered
Rauter (1970)
nearly 20 different 18th century German societies bearing the name
"Deutsche Gesellschaft"
Roche (1978)
French scholarly academies based outside of Paris are covered for
the period before the French Revolution
Rumeu de Armas (2001)
Real Academia de la Historia (1738- )
Schofield (1963)
Lunar Society of Birmingham (1775-1809?)
Snelders (1980)
Gezelschap der Hollandsche Scheikundigen (1790-1802)
Sondervorst (1981)
Genootschap ter Bevoordering van Genees- en Heel-kunde opgeregt tot
Antwerpen onder de zinspreuk Occîdit, qui non servat
Société d'Émulation établie à
Anvers (1802)
Société de Médecine, Chirurgie et Pharmacie
établie à Bruxelles, sous la devise
Aegrotantibus (1797-1812)
Teylers Stichting (1978)
Teylers Godgeleerd Genootschap
(1778- )
Teylers Tweede Genootschap
(1778- )
The Timetables of Science (1988)
a number of scholarly societies are mentioned in this chronology.
(1805- )
Wall / Cameron / Underwood (1963)
Society of Apothecaries of London (1617- )
Watson (1989)
Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers (1771- )
White (1989)
Militärische Gesellschaft in Berlin (1801-1805)